Shirley Nunn’s death expose failures in care for families
In October 2021, Shirley Nunn, 67, and her son Steven, 50, were found dead in their home in Middlesbrough, England, following Shirley’s terminal cancer diagnosis. Shirley had been Steven’s full-time caregiver since a childhood accident left him with severe brain damage, and she was deeply concerned about how he would cope without her.
Despite her declining health, Shirley continued to care for him while also battling depression and thoughts of suicide. Tragically, two days after being discharged from the hospital, Shirley and Steven were found dead.

An investigation revealed that Shirley had not received the psychological support she needed, which could have prevented this heartbreak. The review concluded that her mental health, alongside her physical health, should have been prioritized, especially given her emotional struggles.
This tragedy raises important questions about how we support caregivers and those in vulnerable situations. Could more have been done to help Shirley and others in similar circumstances?